Paying debts faster with code

Introduction With life comes debt. Unless you have large savings, a new (or used) car, a house, a holiday, an unexpected boiler breakdown will likely result in a finance application. And the list goes on; before you know it, you have 10 creditors all requiring a portion of your monthly income. Generally it is considered […]

PHP Photo Archive

About Photo Archive is a PHP based script that can generate a file browser style environment within a web browser for viewing photos on a web server. Installation Requires PHP 5.3.0 or higher To install: Upload the contents of the zip file to the desired location on your web server Upload your images or folders […]

Film Dev Timer

Release downloads These release downloads are packaged with a compatible version of the Java Runtime Environment (except for the MacOS release). FDT 0.1 for Windows (64-Bit) (57.3MB) FDT 0.1 for Linux (64-Bit) (62.5MB) FDT 0.1 for Linux (32-Bit) (63.6MB) FDT 0.1 for Mac OS X (64-Bit) (Requires Java 7 or above) (614KB) About Film Dev Timer (or FDT for […]