Web accessibility: Improving the web for all

Table of contentsIntroductionToolsWAVEColor Contrast AnalyzerNVDA Screen readerAlt tagsTitle tagsImage linksKeyboard navigationFocus outlineContrastSkip buttonsLandmarksAria labelsAria live200% zoomConclusionIntroduction Web accessibility is making the web available for all to use, everybody is different. Tools Before getting into some of the features available for improving accessibility, it will be useful to list some tools that can aid in finding […]

PHP Photo Archive

Table of contentsAboutInstallationChange-logScreen shotsGithubAbout Photo Archive is a PHP based script that can generate a file browser style environment within a web browser for viewing photos on a web server. Installation Requires PHP 5.3.0 or higher To install: Upload the contents of the zip file to the desired location on your web server Upload your […]

Film Dev Timer

Table of contentsRelease downloadsAboutScreen shotsGithubRelease downloads These release downloads are packaged with a compatible version of the Java Runtime Environment (except for the MacOS release). FDT 0.1 for Windows (64-Bit) (57.3MB) FDT 0.1 for Linux (64-Bit) (62.5MB) FDT 0.1 for Linux (32-Bit) (63.6MB) FDT 0.1 for Mac OS X (64-Bit) (Requires Java 7 or above) (614KB) About Film Dev […]

WordPress Plugin: Music

WordPress Plugin: Twitter

WordPress Plugin: GitHub

Bash scripts to start and stop Apache Tomcat

Table of contentsIntroductionSolutionCompleted filesIntroduction In attempting to convert my Java knowledge into a web technology, i.e. learning Java web applications I have found that starting and stopping Apache Tomcat with the commands “/Library/Tomcat/bin/startup.sh” and “/Library/Tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh” (on MacOS) a little long winded for my memory. Solution By creating two simple bash scripts I can now start […]

WordPress Plugin: Gist Shortcode

WordPress Plugin: Lastfm Album Shortcode

WordPress Plugin: Movie Shortcode