WordPress Plugin: Movie Shortcode

Do you blog about movies or tv shows? It can be a tedious job adding movie information such as synopsis, genres, directors, cast and crew, or finding the correct artwork. Why not use a simple WordPress shortcode to do all the hard work for you.

F13s Movie Shortcode allows you to insert movie, tv show or episode information using an IMDB ID or a title and year, cutting out all the hard work.

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WordPress Plugin: Youtube Shortcode

Do you want to embed a Youtube video into a page or blog post on a WordPress powered website? Can’t remember the Youtube embed code? Why not embed videos with shortcode.

Simply add the ‘youtube’ shortcode to the desired location on a page or blog post, enter the video ID under the video attribute and optionally set the autoplay attribute to true.

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WordPress plugin: Google Maps

Do you have a shop or business premises that you want to help people find? Maybe you host regular events at a set of venus; perhaps Google Maps Shortcode could help you advertise the locations.

Simply add the googlemap shortcode to your desired WordPress page or blog post, enter the address information in the attributes and you will have an interactive map added to your page or blog post.

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WordPress Plugin: GitHub Profile Widget

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WordPress Plugin: GitHub Repo Shotcode

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WordPress plugin: Plugin information shortcode

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Accessing the WordPress JSON API

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WordPress plugin: Twitter profile widget

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WP Github Embed, adding release information

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