WP Github Embed, adding release information



Git clone:

git clone https://github.com/f13dev/wp-github-oembed


As a user of Github who is maintaining a website about software development (this one), I quite like the wp-github-oembed plugin by leewillis77. Although a very good contribution, I felt that it was missing an important piece of information regarding Github repositories; no information is provided about releases.

Code modifications

In order to add release information two additional methods were required within the github_api class, first of all one to retrieve releases. If no releases exist for the repository null is returned, otherwise an array of release information is returned.

 * Get release information for repository, used to determine if any releases exist
 * @param  string $owner      The repository's owner
 * @param  string $repository The respository name
 * @return object             The response from the GitHub API
public function get_repo_releases( $owner, $repository ) {

	$this->log( "get_repo_releases( $owner, $repository )", GEDEBUG_CALL );

	$owner = trim( $owner, '/' );
	$repo = trim( $repository, '/' );

	$results = $this->call_api( "https://api.github.com/repos/$owner/$repo/releases" );

	return json_decode( $results['body'] );


Secondly, a method within github_api was required to retrieve an array of information about the latest release, this returns two pieces of information used within this contribution: html_url (the URL of the latest release) and tag_name (the releases tag, i.e. v1.0).

 * Get latest release information for repository.
 * @param  string $owner      The repository's owner
 * @param  string $repository The respository name
 * @return object             The response from the GitHub API
public function get_repo_releases_latest( $owner, $repository ) {

	$this->log( "get_repo_releases_latest( $owner, $repository )", GEDEBUG_CALL );

	$owner = trim( $owner, '/' );
	$repo = trim( $repository, '/' );

	$results = $this->call_api( "https://api.github.com/repos/$owner/$repository/releases/latest" );

	return json_decode( $results['body'] );


Finally, in order to utilise these two methods, the following additional code needs to be added to the oembed_github_repo function in github-embed.php.

$releases = $this->api->get_repo_releases ( $owner, $repository );
 * Show the latest release if one exists, otherwise show Latest release: none.
if ( $releases == null )
	$response->html .= "Latest release: none<br />";
	$latest_release = $this->api->get_repo_releases_latest ( $owner, $repository );
	$latest_release_url = $latest_release->html_url;
	$latest_release_tag = $latest_release->tag_name;
	$response->html .= 'Latest release: <a href="' . $latest_release_url . '" target="_blank">' . 
		$latest_release_tag . '</a><br />';

Now when repository information is requested, the response will include a link to the latest release, if one exists; otherwise “Latest release: none” will be displayed

Screen shot

Github Embed, showing one release tagged "v0.1-beta".

Github Embed, showing one release tagged “v0.1-beta”.

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