
Photo Archive is a PHP based script that can generate a file browser style environment within a web browser for viewing photos on a web server.


Requires PHP 5.3.0 or higher

To install:

  • Upload he contents of the zip file to the desired location on your web server.
  • Upload your images or folders of images to the /images/ directory.
  • Open a web browser and go to the location of the Photo Archive script, browse & enjoy.

Change log

Version 1.3

  • Added code to automatically generate thumbnails for each image when users view a gallery
  • When viewing galleries with more than one page the arrow keys and B (back)/N (next) keys have been bound to changing page
  • Information txt links have been moved to show after the list of subdirectories giving a more streamlined appearance
  • When viewing galleries with more than one page the previous and next buttons have been enlarged to the full height of the contents div along with being given a pastel background

Version 1.2

  • Replaced lightbox with colorbox due to it’s ability to display a wider range of content and smaller size
  • Added a preview of the contents of each folder on hover
  • Added the ability to read .txt files to allow users to include an information file within each folder

Version 1.1

  • Cosmetic work to enhance the look and feel
  • Worked on PHP code to display images in alphabetical order

Version 1.0

  • Initial release


Example of PHP Photo Archives folder structure
Photo archive folder structure
Contents of folder
Example of PHP Photo Archives folder contents
Text document
Example of a a text document viewed in PHP Photo Archive
Photo view
An example of an enlarged photo in PHP Photo Archive


GitHub repository: f13dev/photo-archive
Created: March 28, 2016 - 04:38pm
Last commit: March 29, 2016 - 05:54am
Forks: 0
Open issues: 2
Stars: 0
Watchers: 0
Description: Simple PHP based image gallery script, designed to maintain and manage large collections of images.

Files (16)
README.md (0.27kb) Download file
inc/colorbox.css (2.85kb) Download file
inc/controls.png (1.59kb) Download file
inc/folder.png (3.03kb) Download file
inc/information.png (14.13kb) Download file
inc/jquery.colorbox.js (28.46kb) Download file
inc/loading.gif (9.21kb) Download file
inc/loading_preview.gif (15.98kb) Download file
inc/next.png (2.64kb) Download file
inc/previous.png (2.59kb) Download file
inc/style.css (2.92kb) Download file
inc/up_level.png (4.58kb) Download file
inc/zoom-in.cur (4.19kb) Download file
index.php (12.22kb) Download file
git clone https://github.com/f13dev/photo-archive

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