Minimum Payment

Debt repayment calculator




Save object as text

This creates an array of your data which you can store locally on your device, you can restore your data by re-loading this array into the debt calculator

Save your data to your browser

This is a convenient way to save your data, an array of your data is stored within your web browser. Clearing your cache will remove this data. Your data will only be saved for your current device and will not be accessible on our servers.


How to use the debt calculator

  1. Add all of your debts including:
    1. The name of the debt
    2. The balance of the debt
    3. The APR of the debt
    4. The minimum payment of the debt
  2. Click "Calculate" to build a repayment plan
  3. Save your results, either locally or in your browser for future use

Terms & conditions

The debt calculator is a stand-alone application in a single file. It has no communication back to the server and as such none of your details are stored on the server. Save methods are either offline, or within your browser.

You can use the debt calculator online, or you can save the page as a HTML file and open this file to run it locally on your computer.

The plan built by the debt calculator must be checked over as it may not necessarily create the best plan. If you have found a bug, or miss calculation, please contact me.

If you are unable to make your minimum payment, please seek professional help. With careful consideration, unmanageable debts can be dealt with.